Thursday 27 October 2011

::Algebra = Repeating patterns::

“Repeating patterns are patterns where a group of elements repeat themselves as the pattern extends” (Warren & Cooper, 2006,p.10)  

This core is the smallest element of the repeating pattern. It should be repeated at least 3 times. For example, Ä O is a core or element of a pattern containing Ä O Ä O Ä O (Papic, 2007).

Sequence for exploring repeating patterns  

1.      Copying the pattern

a.       Draw the following patterns on a piece of drawing block and ask the children to copy the pattern using triangles and squares.

2.        Continuing the pattern

a.       Let the children guess the patterns that come next and before. Ensure that the children know that the patterns can be repeated in both directions.

3.      Identifying the repeating element

a.       Say the pattern out loud (e.g: triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, square,..). Using a pencil, ask the children to circle the repeating parts.

4.      Completing the pattern

a.       Draw another repeating pattern, ask the children to continue the patterns and identify the repeating parts. With the children’s eyes close, remove some elements of the repeating patterns and ask the children to guess what the missing parts are.

5.      Creating a pattern

a.       Encourage the children to create their own repeating patterns. Enhance their learning by asking; why is it a repeating pattern? How can you continue this pattern? What is the repeating element?

6.      Translating a pattern to a different medium

a.       Develop their knowledge by encourage them to create repeating patterns by suing different medium such as ‘clap, step, clap, step, clap, step,…’ instead of ‘triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, square,…’ 

Example of activity that the teacher could do in a classroom in order to introduces and extends understanding of repeating patterns to young children:-

1. Draw the pattern

·         2. Cover half of the pattern and only 1 set is visible

·         3. Ask the children; “How many green circles are there? How many blue circles are there?   How many circles all together?”

·         4. Ask them to record the data in a table (see Table 1)

·         5. Uncover the pattern and show two sets of pattern. Continue the sequence until there ar five sets visible.

·        6. Examine and analyse the table. 

Table 1
No. of set
No. of green circles
No. of blue circles
Total number of circles

Children might be able to examine the data recorded:-

"Green circles is increasing by 1"
"Blue circles is increasing by 2"
"The total is increasing by 3"
Furthermore, teachers might ask several questions to generalize children's thinking such as:-

If I had 10 green circles, how many blue circles would I have?

If I had 30 green circles, how many blue circles would I have?

If I had 40 blue circles, how many green circles would I have? How many sets of circles would I have?

If I had 100 sets, how many green circles would there be and how many blue circles would there be?

Finally, teachers also can make the lesson more challenging. This will help the children to develop their knowledge skills of early algebra. For examples:-

·         2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …. = What is the 12th term? (Answer = 24)

o   Children can find the answer by continue the number sequence until 12th term; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24,…

o   Basically, the children will have know the answer by multiply the term with 2; 12 x 2 = 24. This is because if the 1st term is 2, then the pattern will be the term multiply by 2.

·         1, 3, 5, 7, 9,… = What is the 10th term? (Answer = 19)

o   This is quite challenging as it is odd numbers. Basically, the children will get the answer by continue the number sequence until 10th term; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,…

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