Sunday 30 October 2011


Examples of activity that the teacher could do in the classroom to teach the children about measurement.

Activity 1: Selecting appropriate units

In pairs, ask the children to measure the length of the desk, whiteboard, notice board and the rectangle play mat by using their hands or steps in order to measure the objects. 

After that, ask them to measure the width of the objects.

Each pair should record the data in the table provided. 

Activity 2: Indirect comparison

After that, ask the children to move around the classroom and find another objects that have the same length and width with the objects that they have measure. Write the answer in a piece of paper.

Then, ask them to move around the classroom and find another objects that have different length and width of the objects that they have measure. This time, they have to write the answer in a piece of paper and give the reason why they think those objects have different area (e.g. The area of the desk is more than the area of the chair because the desk is bigger than the chair)

Activity 3: Making a measuring device

Let the children compare their answer with other pairs in the classroom. Develop their knowledge by asking why are the length and the width of the objects that they have measure are different with their friends? Tell the children that the answers are different as they are using their hands and steps which are different sizes with each other.

After that, teach the children to use measuring device to get a more accurate answer. Teach them the steps to make their own measuring device. For example:
  •  Provides the children with a roll of paper streamers to make a measuring device.
  • Choose one object to be the bigger unit such as the ice cream stick. Ask the children to make the measuring tape by using the ice cream stick as the bigger unit. Remind the children to label the measuring tape with numbers accordingly. 
  • After that, repeat the same sequence by using paper clips as the smaller unit.

Finally, ask them to measure the objects that they have measure during the first activity by using their own measuring device and record the data in the table. 

For example, the length of the desk is 7 ice-cream sticks and 2 paper clips while the width of the desk is 5 ice-cream sticks and 3 paper clips. Every children will get the same answer as they are using the same measuring device that has the same units, which are; ice-cream sticks and paper clips.

A roll of paper streamers as the measuring device.

Measuring device by using paper clips as the unit.

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