Monday 31 October 2011

::Short Story about Time::

"Sorry, the time is running out!"
Today, Cassandra has three birthday party invitations at her friends house, Joshua, Liam and Erinne.  

Unfortunately, the time of the birthday party is the same! The party will start from 11 o’clock in the morning until 1 o’clock in the evening. So, she has 2 hours to go to the three houses.

What should Cassandra do to be able to go to the three houses?

Cassandra decides to go to Joshua’s house because his house is the nearest. After that, she will go to Liam’s house and finally, to Erinne’s house.  

From Joshua’s house, she has to ride her bicycle for about 15 minutes to go to Liam’s house. Then, from Liam’s house, it will take another 20 minutes to go to Erinne’s house. So, all together her journey will take 35 minutes.
Now, there is another 1 hour and 25 minutes left. She divides the time and she has 30 minutes to spend at Joshua's house, 30 minutes at Liam’s house while another 25 minutes to spend at Erinne’s house. 

At 11 o’clock in the morning, she arrives at Joshua’s house. After she gives the present to Joshua, she eats the food that Joshua’s mother prepared. 

At 11.30 o’clock in the morning, she thanks Joshua and tells him that she has to go somewhere. Joshua asks her to stay for a little while for cake time. But she says; “sorry, the time is running out!” and she goes to Liam’s house quickly.

After 15 minutes riding the bicycle, she arrives at Liam’s house. Luckily, Liam is about to cut the cake while everybody is singing. Cassandra gives the birthday present, joins the singing and eats the cake. 

After 30 minutes, at 12.15 o'clock in the afternoon, she thanks Liam and tells him that she has to go somewhere. Liam asks her to stay for a little while to join the games but she says; “sorry, the time is running out!” and goes to Erinne’s house quickly.

At 12.35 o’clock in the afternoon, she arrives at Erinne’s house. At Erinne’s house, Cassandra gives the birthday present and joins the games that they are playing. 

Finally, at 1 o’clock in the evening, the games finish and everybody is going home as well as Cassandra. She thanks Erinne and then going home happily. 

Cassandra is very happy today because she managed to go to all three birthday parties and spent a good time there.         

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