Wednesday 7 September 2011


“Comparing is based on relations between amounts of an attribute that two objects posses” (Irons, 1999, p.29).

“Comparing involves two items and is the process of determining whether items have more or less of a particular attributes” (Yelland, Butler & Diezmann, 1999, p.11).
For examples:

big - bigger

small - smaller

small - smaller
Initially, many children use the word 'more long' because it makes sense to them. Nevertheless, teacher should encourage the children to use the comparison word “-er” such as tall – taller / big – bigger / short- shorter (Irons, 1999). 

This is the example of task sheet that the teacher could give to the children in order to improve their knowledge and skills:

Taken from: Irons, R.R. (2003). Growing with Mathematics: Student Book. Chicago: Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. (page 33)

This task sheet helps the children to be more alert as they have to draw the required attributes (highlighted words) such as shorter, longer, bigger and smaller. As they draw the pictures, they will have the opportunity to improve their vocabulary as well as comparison words (-er).

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