Wednesday 7 September 2011


“Patterns are formed by the repetition of objects or pictures and are recognizable and predictable” (Irons, 1999, p.31).

“Patterning involves the repetition of a sequence of items or events” (Yelland, Butler & Diezmann, 1999, p. 12)

For example:

Patterning according to the colours of the koalas; red-yellow-blue-green and so on.
 Teacher should encourage the children to talk or describe about the patterns that they create during the patterning activities. This will improve the children's creativity and reasoning skills.  

These are the examples of task sheet that the teacher could give to the children when teaching about patterning:

Taken from: Irons, R.R. (2003). Growing with Mathematics: Student Book. Chicago: Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. (page 30)

Taken from: Irons, R.R. (2003). Growing with Mathematics: Student Book. Chicago: Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. (page 53)

These task sheets help the children to identify and recognize the patterns in each group. The children will be able to draw the next pictures if they recognized the patterns.

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