Wednesday 7 September 2011


“The process of ordering involves arranging objects, pictures, groups or events according to the relations between them based on increasing or decreasing amounts of attributes” (Irons, 1999, p.30)

“Ordering is an extension of comparing and involves sequencing three or more items or events according to a specific attribute” (Yelland, Butler & Diezmann, 1999, p.11)

For example:
Ordering the size of round surfaces (From left to right)= small - smaller - smallest

Ordering the height of the blocks (From left to right) = tall - taller - tallest
Children will be able to do the ordering activity if they can detect and identify attributes, making comparisons and detect differences (Irons, 1999). Also, the teacher should encourage the children to use “-est” words such as tall-taller-tallest/ big-bigger-biggest to describe the attributes of the objects.

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