Wednesday 7 September 2011

::Identifying and describing attributes::

Identifying and describing attributes is the ability to identify or recognize the likeliness and differences between objects or pictures (Irons, 1999). 

Attributes = "a particular characteristic or feature that helps to identify a person, animal, place or object" (Yelland, Butler & Diezmann, 1999, p.9) 

For examples: 

Both of the blocks have the same shape; triangle, but different colours; the left triangle is red while the right triangle is yellow in colour.

Both of the blocks have the same colour; blue but different shape; the left block is circle while the the right block is square.

Teacher should listen and encourage the children to talk and describe the toys that they are playing by using their own languages. This activity promotes the children’s reasoning skills as they will be able to recognize the similarities or differences between the two objects. Nevertheless, if the children do not be able to talk about the likeliness and differences, the teacher should demonstrate and teach them in order to broaden the children’s attributes vocabulary (Irons, 1999).

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